Suhn Kondo, Takashi Shimizu, “Development of Low Humidity Chamber for Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Plate by the Circular Empty Cavity Method,” Thailand-Japan Microwave 2024 (TJMW2024), Paper ID:321, Oct. 2024. (to be presented)
Yutaka Aoki, Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroyuki Kamo, and Takashi Shimizu, “140 GHz Small Horn-type Antenna with Sanchez’s Ridge Waveguide,” 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and ITNC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Jul. 2024.
Kazuki Sato, Kazuaki Ebisawa, Makiko Irie, Atsushi Kubo and Takashi. Shimizu, “Development of New Concept Photo Imageable Dielectric Materials for Next-Generation Advanced Packaging,” 2024 IEEE 74th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 876-880, Jun. 2024.
Masatora Ueno, and Takashi Shimizu, “Comparison of Transmission Line Loss for Millimeter Wave Applications,” Smart City Workshop 2024 (SCW 2024), Mar. 2024.
長谷修治, 清水隆志, “[特別講演] 円筒空洞共振器法によるミリ波複素誘電率の湿度依存性評価に関する実験的検討,” 2024電子情報通信学会総合大会, CI-4, Mar. 2024.
清水隆志, 長谷修治, “ミリ波複素誘電率の連続的な湿度依存性評価手法に関する検討,” 2024電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2B-07, p. C-2B-07, Mar. 2024.
Ryo Sakata, and Takashi Shimizu, “Complex permittivity measurements of high-frequency substrates using a 60 GHz band circular empty cavity,” Joint Workshop Thailand-Japan Microwave (TJMW) & Asian Wireless Power Transfer Workshop (AWPT) 2023, YE-04, Dec. 2023.
Takashi Shimizu, and Shota Kanaoto, “Design of a 30-GHz Band 6-Pole Bandpass Filter with a Coaxial Interface Using High Tc Superconductor Coplanar H-Slot Resonators,” 2022 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp. 303-305, Dec. 2022.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Frequency Dependence Measurements of Complex Permittivity for YSZ Crystal Plates by the Cut-Off Circular Waveguide Method,” 2022 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp. 139-141, Dec. 2022.
Naoki Hirayama, Akira Nakayama, Hiromichi Yoshikawa, Takashi Shimizu, Yoshinori Kogami, “Broadband Complex Permittivity Measurements Using Multimode Split-Rectangular Waveguide Resonator,” 2022 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp. 136-138, Dec. 2022.
Shunpei Takahashi, and Takashi Shimizu, “Complex permittivity evaluation of thermoplastic filaments for an FDM type 3D printer in the 50 GHz band,” 3rd Thailand-Japan Microwave Student Workshop Abstract Book, p.15, 1B-5, Nov. 2022.
Shuji Nagaya, and Takashi Shimizu, “Humidity dependence measurements of complex permittivity for polyimide and PTFE sheet in a 36 GHz band,” 3rd Thailand-Japan Microwave Student Workshop Abstract Book, p.15, 1B-4, Nov. 2022.
Naoki Hirayama, Akira Nakayama, Hiromichi Yoshikawa, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Measurement Technique for Interface and Surface Conductivities at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies Using Dielectric Rod Resonator Excited by Nonradiative Dielectric Waveguide,” IEEE Trans. on Microw. Theory and Tech., vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 2750-2761, May 2022.
清水隆志, 森田雄介, 林拓矢, “ICTイノベーションを支援する高周波材料評価技術の最新動向,” 令和4年電気学会全国大会, S12-2, pp. S12(5)-(6), Mar. 2022.
平山直樹, 吉川博道, 中山明, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “湾曲した矩形空洞共振器を用いた準マイクロ波帯の複素誘電率測定, C-2-21, p. 38, Mar. 2022.
長谷修治, 清水隆志, “36GHz帯空洞共振器を用いたポリイミドフィルムの湿度依存性測定,” 電子情報通信学会 東京支部学生会 第27回研究発表会, no. 86, Mar. 2022.
長谷修治, 清水隆志, “36GHz帯空洞共振器を用いた複素誘電率の湿度依存性評価手法の検討,” 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 400, MW2021-138, pp. 152-155, Mar. 2022.
林拓矢, 清水隆志, “試料挿入孔径の異なるTM010モード空洞共振器を用いた高周波向け熱可塑性樹脂のミリ波複素誘電率測定,” 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 400, MW2021-137, pp. 146-151, Mar. 2022.
林拓矢, 清水隆志, “大口径試料挿入孔を持つ50GHz帯TM010モード空洞共振器を用いた高誘電率丸棒材料の複素誘電率測定,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-21-061, pp. 9-14, Dec. 2021.
Takashi Shimizu, Takuya Hayashi, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Complex Permittivity Measurement for Thin Dielectric Rods With High Permittivity Using a 50 GHz Band TM010 Mode Cavity,” 2021 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp. S3-10-3, Dec. 2021.
Takashi Shimizu, Kouhei Takahagi, Kazuaki Ebisawa, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Complex Permittivity and Uncertainty Evaluations for an Ultra Thin Photosensitive Insulator Film Using a Millimeter Wave Circular Cavity Resonator,” 2021 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp. S3-10-2, Dec. 2021.
清水隆志, 國府田将也, 平野勇作, 古神義則, “2 誘電体円柱共振器法を用いたAdditive manufacturing 向け導電性材料の実効導電率評価,” 電気学会論文誌C, vol. 141, no. 8 , pp. 915-916, Aug. 2021.
平山直樹, 吉川博道, 中山明, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “PTFEを装荷した平衡形円板共振器を用いたマイクロ波・ミリ波帯における中損失基板の厚み方向複素誘電率測定,” 電気学会論文誌C, vol. 141, no. 8 , pp. 842-850, Aug. 2021.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Millimeter wave measurements of low loss dielectric materials for 5G/6G era smart mobility,” Joint Indo-Japanese Smart City Conference 2021, CMN-21-019, Mar. 2021.
Takuya Hayashi, Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Study on 50GHz band measurement method of a thin dielectric rod with high εr for an FDM type 3D printer,” Joint Indo-Japanese Smart City Conference 2021, Mar. 2021.
木村泰希, 古神義則, 清水隆志,“薄型フィルムの36GHz帯温度依存性の高能率評価,” 2021電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-45, p. 60 , Mar. 2021.
木村泰希, 古神義則, 清水隆志,“円筒空洞共振器法を用いた薄型誘電体フィルムの高能率温度依存性評価に関する検討,” 信学技報, vol. 120, no. 422, MW2020-92, pp. 7-12, Mar. 2021.
Takuya Hayashi, Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Study on effective insertion procedure of a thin dielectric rod for a 50GHz band complex permittivity measurement,” Abstract Book of Thailand-Japan Microwave Student Workshop, [2-3], Dec. 2020.
Yusuke Morita, Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Study on a 2.4GHz band 3D printed cavity resonator for a dielectric plate measurement,” Abstract Book of Thailand-Japan Microwave Student Workshop, [2-2], Dec. 2020.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Complex Permittivity Measurement Technique for a 3D Printed Rectangular Dielectric Rod using an NRD Guides at 60-GHz Band,” Proceedings of 95th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conf. Digest, IF-7, Aug. 2020.
林拓矢, 古神義則, 清水隆志, “小径試料挿入孔を有する50GHz帯TM010モード共振器を用いた高効率測定,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-20-049, pp. 21-24, Apr. 2020.
清水隆志, 小林正幸, 古神義則, “36GHz帯共振器を用いた複素誘電率の周波数依存性測定の検討,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-20-048, pp. 17-20, Apr. 2020.
木村泰希, 古神義則, 清水隆志,“低損失誘電体材料評価用サブTHz帯円筒空洞共振器の励振構造に関する検討,” 2020電子情報通信学会総合大会, CK-2-4, pp. SS-10 – SS-11, Mar. 2020.
髙萩耕平, 古神義則, 清水隆志,“薄型誘電体フィルムの50GHz帯温度依存性評価システム,” 2020電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-51, p. 74, Mar. 2020.
清水隆志, 古神義則, “Additive Manufacturing技術を用いた低マイクロ波帯における誘電体材料測定,” 令和2年電気学会全国大会, S9-6, pp. S9(15)-(16), Mar. 2020.
髙萩耕平, 古神義則, 清水隆志,“円筒空洞共振器法を用いたフィルム試料の50GHz帯温度依存性評価システムの開発,” 信学技報, vol. 119, no. 459, MW2019-144, pp. 23-28, Mar. 2020.
Takashi Shimizu, Takafumi Sasaki, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Accurate and efficient measurements for complex permittivity of 3D printer filaments using a 50GHz band TM010 mode cavity resonator,” 2019 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp. 1520-1522, Dec. 2019.
Taiki Kimura, Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Study on a sub-THz band grooved circular empty cavity for low loss dielectric material evaluations,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2019 TJMW2019, YE-12, June 2019.
Shota Kanaoto, Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Design of a 30GHz band Coplanar type H-slot Resonator with High Temperature Superconductor,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2019 TJMW2019, YE-15, June 2019.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Low-Cost & Light-Weight 6 GHz Band Resin Based Cavity for Dielectric Plate Characterizations using Additive Manufacturing Techniques,” Proceedings of 93th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conf. Digset, P-4, June 2019.
米田尚時, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “円筒空洞共振器法による薄形フィルムのミリ波複素誘電率測定に関する一検討,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-19-051, pp. 33-36, Apr. 2019.
木村泰希, 古神義則, 清水隆志, “複素誘電率評価用サブTHz帯円筒空洞共振器の励振構造が共振特性に及ぼす影響の検討,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-19-049, pp. 23-26, Apr. 2019.
金乙翔大, 古神義則, 清水隆志, “高Qかつ良好なスプリアス特性を有する30GHz帯高温超電導共平面形Hスロット共振器の設計,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-19-045, pp. 1-6, Apr. 2019.
佐々木隆文, 古神義則, 清水隆志, “大口径試料挿入孔をもつ50GHz帯TM010モード空洞共振器を用いた丸棒誘電体の高精度複素誘電率測定,” 2019電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-39, p. 58 , Mar. 2019.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Microwave characteristics of a conductor backed CPW by a home printed electronics technology with silver nanoparticle ink,” 2018 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, FR2-103-4, Nov. 2018.
Takafumi Sasaki, Kohei Takahagi, Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Complex permittivity measurements for thermoplastic resin filaments for 3D printer using a 50GHz TM0m0 mode cavity resonator,” 2018 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, TH1-IF-49, Nov. 2018.
Kentaro Takano, Kota Tsunoda, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Complex permittivity evaluation of dielectric materials for millimeter wave circuit substrates with the Whispering-gallery mode resonator method,” 2018 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, TH1-IF-48, Nov. 2018.
Takafumi Sasaki, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Accurate Complex Permittivity Evaluation of Resin Rod for 3D Printer Using a 50 GHz Band TM010 Mode Cavity,” The 6th International Smart City Symposium 2018, Oct. 2018.
Takashi Shimizu, Rintaro Sasaki, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Study on a 6 GHz Band Cavity Resonator for Dielectric Plate Measurements by a Rapid Prototyping Technology,” The 6th International Smart City Symposium 2018, Oct. 2018.
Takashi Shimizu, “High-Precision Evaluation Techniques for MW & mmW Circuit Materials,” 1 Day Workshop in the 6th International Smart City Symposium 2018, Oct. 2018.
Takashi Shimizu, Kosuke Goto, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Development of a Narrowband 30-GHz Band Bandpass Filter with Coaxial Interface Using Coplanar Type H-slot Resonators,” 48th European Microwave Conf. Proc., Oct. 2018.
佐々木隆文, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “50GHz帯TM010モード空洞共振器を用いた低εr樹脂材料の高精度比誘電率測定,” 2018電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, C-2-53, p. 68, Sept. 2018.
Kota Tsunoda, Kentaro Takano, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Complex Permittivity Evaluation for Uniaxial Anisotropic Dielectric Materials in Millimeter Wave Region Using the Whispering Gallery Mode Dielectric Disk Resonator,” Proceddings of the 40th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) in Toyama, Aug. 2018.
Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Evaluation of the Relative Permittivity of Dielectric Sheet Materials in Millimeter Wave Region Using TE111 Mode Cylindrical Cavity Resonator,” Proceddings of the 40th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) in Toyama, Aug. 2018.
Yoshinori Kogami, Takashi Shimizu, and Yu Mogami, “Millimeter Wave Complex Permittivity Measurements for the Flexible Dielectric Substrates Used with the Printed Electronics Technology,” Proceddings of the 40th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) in Toyama, Aug. 2018.
Masaya Kokufuda, Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Effective relative conductivity measurement for a conductive paint using dielectric rod resonators,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2018 TJMW2018, YE-34, June 2018.
Kouhei Takahagi, Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “Millimeter wave complex permittivity measurement of printed ABS plates by a FDM type 3D printer,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2018 TJMW2018, YE-28, June 2018.
Takashi Shimizu, Yusaku Hirano, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Frequency dependence measurement technique of the interface conductivity using a dielectric rod resonator sandwiched between copper-clad dielectric substrates,” Proceedings of 91th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conf., June 2018.
高萩耕平, 古神義則, 清水隆志, “3Dプリンタによって出力されたABS平板の36GHz帯複素誘電率測定,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-18-048, pp. 29-32, Apr. 2018.
國府田将也, 古神義則, 清水隆志, “誘電体円柱共振器法を用いた導電性塗料の周波数依存性測定,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-18-047, pp. 25-28, Apr. 2018.
後藤洸介, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “共平面構造Hスロット共振器を用いた同軸入出力30GHz帯BPF,” 2018電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-64, p. 78, Mar. 2018.
平野勇作, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “銅張誘電体基板に挟まれた誘電体円柱共振器を用いた界面比導電率評価の高精度化,” 電子情報通信学会 東京支部学生会 第23回研究発表会, p. 114, Mar. 2018.
最上優, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “プリンテッドエレクトロニクス用フレキシブル基板のミリ波複素誘電率測定,” 2018電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-44, p. 58, Mar. 2018.
平野勇作, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “銅張誘電体基板に挟まれた誘電体円柱共振器を用いた界面比導電率の周波数依存性測定に関する検討,” 信学技報, vol. 117, no. 462, MW2017-191, pp. 83-86, Mar. 2018.
後藤洸介, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “共平面構造Hスロット共振器を用いた同軸入出力30GHz帯狭帯域バンドパスフィルタに関する検討,” 信学技報, vol. 117, no. 462, MW2017-190, pp. 77-82, Mar. 2018.
最上優, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “プリンテッドエレクトロニクス用フレキシブル基板のミリ波複素誘電率の周波数および温度依存性測定,” 信学技報, vol. 117, no. 462 , MW2017-188, pp. 65-70, Mar. 2018.
鷹箸広大, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “3領域裏面導体付2層CPW線路モデルを用いた複素誘電率評価法に関する検討,” 平成29年度第8回電気学会栃木・群馬支所合同研究発表会予稿集, ETG-18-15, Mar. 2018.
清水隆志, 古神義則, “ TE021モード遮断円筒導波管法を用いたKa-W帯におけるc, a, r面サファイア基板の実効複素誘電率測定,” 2017電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, C-2-28, p. 36, Sept. 2017.
古神義則, 清水隆志, “高周波回路用誘電体材料の誘電率測定技術の動向,” 平成29年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会, TC19-5, pp. 763-765, Sept.2017.
清水隆志, 古神義則, “TE021モード遮断円筒導波管法を用いたサファイア基板の複素誘電率の周波数依存性測定,” 信学技報, vol. 117, no. 140, MW2017-55, pp. 127-132, July 2017.
Takashi Shimizu, Yusuke Murata, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Transmission characteristic of a printed CBCPW by a home rapid prototyping technology,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2017 TJMW2017, TH3-04, June 2017.
Takafumi Sasaki, Hikaru Inada, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Stability of unloaded Q for 50GHz band TM0m0 mode cavity resonator using the thermal diffusion bonding,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2017 TJMW2017, TH1-13, June 2017.
Takashi Shimizu, Hikaru Inada, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Complex permittivity measurement for a low loss dielectric rod using a novel 50 GHz band TM010 mode cavity,” Proceedings of 89th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conf., June 2017.
古神義則, 清水隆志, “[依頼講演]平面回路用誘電体基板材料のミリ波複素誘電率測定技術,” 2017電子情報通信学会総合大会, CS-2-1, pp. S8-S9, Mar. 2017.
清水隆志, 稲田顕, 古神義則, “50GHz帯TM0m0モード空洞共振器を用いた複素誘電率測定に試料配置ずれが及ぼす影響,” 2017電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-61, p. 74, Mar. 2017.
古神義則, 清水隆志, “試料位置を可変とした空洞共振器の共振電磁界解析,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-17-041, CMN-17-029, pp.31-34, Mar. 2017.
山田直道, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “導体円筒を用いたミリ波複素誘電率測定法のための恒温機能付共振特性測定システム,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-17-038, CMN-17-026, pp.17-22, Mar. 2017.
後藤洸介, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “共平面構造Hスロット共振器を用いた30GHz帯狭帯域2段BPFの設計,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-17-037, CMN-17-025, pp.13-16, Mar. 2017.
渡邊友和, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “分布定数線路モデルを用いたCPW構造MZ型光変調器の変調特性計算,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-17-036, CMN-17-024, pp.7-12, Mar. 2017.
遠藤大軌, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “等価回路モデルを用いた低Q値マイクロ波回路の共振特性の計算,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-17-035, CMN-17-023, pp.1-5, Mar. 2017.
Kosuke Goto, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Study on a high-Q H-slot resonator for Ka-band narrowband BPF,” The 5th International Smart City Workshop in Malaysia, Mar. 2017.
Yoshinori Kogami, and Takashi Shimizu, “The Analysis of the Cylindrical Cavity Resonator where a dielectric plate is sandwiched asymmetrically,” The 5th International Smart City Workshop in Malaysia, Mar. 2017.
Takashi Shimizu, Yusuke Murata, Yusaku Hirano, Yu Mogami, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Microwave Characteristic of Printed Coplanar Waveguide by Home Inkjet Printer Technology with Ag ink,” The 5th International Smart City Workshop in Malaysia, Mar. 2017.
清水隆志, 小島駿佑, 古神義則, “[特別講演]60GHz帯における空洞共振器法を用いた低誘電率フィルムの複素誘電率の高精度評価技術,” 信学技報, vol. 116, no. 486, MW2016-200, pp. 67-72, Mar. 2017.
稲田顕, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “大口径試料挿入孔を有する50GHz帯TM0m0モード空洞共振器を用いた複素誘電率測定に関する検討,” 信学技報, vol. 116, no. 486, MW2016-190, pp. 13-18, Mar. 2017.
古神義則, 清水隆志,”円筒空洞共振器を用いた薄型誘電体平板のミリ波誘電率測定に関する一検討,” 信学技報, vol. 116, no. 153, MW2016-60, pp. 129-134, July 2016.
Yu Mogami, Naoki Yamada, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Experimental Study on the Appropriate Load Force on the Dielectric Plate in a Circular Cavity Resonator for the Complex Permittivity Measurement,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2016 TJMW2016, FR2-08, June 2016.
Yusaku Hirano, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Experimental Study on a Resonance Characteristics of a Stacked Dielectric Resonator for the Two Dielectric Resonator Method,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2016 TJMW2016, TH1-07, June 2016.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Accurate interface conductivity measurement technique for a copper-clad dielectric substrate using a substrate sandwiched dielectric rod resonator,” Proceedings of 87th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conf., Fr1-P-5, May 2016.
清水隆志, 古神義則, “ミリ波高Q共振器を用いた低損失狭帯域フィルタ,” 平成28年電気学会全国大会, 3-S14-4, pp. S14(10)-(11), Mar. 2016.
古神義則, 清水隆志, 土屋広樹, “ミリ波回路基板材料評価技術の最新動向-薄型平板材料の複素誘電率測定-,” 平成28年電気学会全国大会, 3-S14-1, pp. S14(1)-(2), Mar. 2016.
清水隆志, 稲田顕, 古神義則, “丸棒誘電体評価用50GHz帯TM0m0モード空洞共振器の開発,” 2016電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-70, p. 99, Mar. 2016.
磯部陽貴, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “MgO基板の複素誘電率の30-50GHzにおける周波数依存性測定,” 2016電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-69, p. 98, Mar. 2016.
稲田顕, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “50GHz帯TM0m0モード空洞共振器を用いた棒状誘電体の複素誘電率測定に関する検討,” 信学技報, vol. 115, no. 476, MW2016-178, pp. 27-32, Mar. 2016.
磯部陽貴, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “ミリ波帯におけるMgO基板の複素誘電率の周波数依存性測定の検討,” 信学技報, vol. 115, no. 476, MW2016-177, pp. 21-26, Mar. 2016.
清水隆志, 二階堂誠也, 古神義則, “銅張誘電体基板に挟まれた誘電体円柱のモード整合法による共振特性解析,” 2015電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, C-2-29, p. 49, Sept. 2015.
Takashi Shimizu, “Realization of millimeter wave narrowband BPF using high Q resonator,” The 4th Smart City Workshop in Malaysia, Sept. 2015.
Takashi Shimizu, Yoshinori Kogami, and Yasutake Hirachi, “Study of influences of underfill material on CPW type millimeter-wave MMIC by flip chip packaging,” Proceedings of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2015 TJMW2015, FR1-04, Aug. 2015.
Takashi Shimizu, Yoshinori Kogami, and Yasutake Hirachi, “Simulation for influence of underfill material on flip chip CPW type millimeter-wave integrated circuits,” Proceedings of The International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Design, and Verification & The 2015 Vietnam-Japan MicroWave, p. 87, Aug. 2015.
磯部陽貴, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “遮断円筒導波管法による高誘電率YSZ結晶性材料の複素誘電率測定,” 信学技報, vol. 115, no. 115, MW2015-44, pp. 35-40, June 2015.
清水隆志, 二階堂誠也, 古神義則, “銅張誘電体基板に挟まれた誘電体円柱共振器の共振特性解析,” 信学技報, vol. 115, no. 141, MW2015-86, pp. 233-238, July 2015.
田中塁, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “2重モード誘電体円柱共振器を用いたデュアルバンドフィルタ,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-15-063, pp. 25-30, June 2015.
磯部陽貴, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “イットリア安定化ジルコニア平板の20GHz帯における複素誘電率測定と結晶構造測定,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-15-060, pp. 15-18, June 2015.
山田直輝, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “遮断円筒導波管法を用いた中損失誘電体材料のミリ波複素誘電率測定-測定系に関する検討,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-15-059, pp. 11-14, June 2015.
土屋広樹, 小島駿佑, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “空洞共振器法を用いた中損失誘電体材料のミリ波複素誘電率測定-薄型試料による検討-,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-15-058, pp.5-10, June 2015.
稲田顕, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “丸棒誘電体試料のミリ波複素誘電率測定用TM0m0モード円筒空洞共振器の設計,” 電気学会研究会資料, EDD-15-057, pp. 1-4, Jun 2015.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Development of Low Loss Ka-Band Narrowband Bandpass Filter using a Dual Mode Coplanar Type Circular Slot Resonator ,” 2015 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, THPD-3, May 2015.
土屋広樹, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “誘電体フィルムのミリ波複素誘電率測定に及ぼす空洞共振器パラメータの誤差の影響,” 2015電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-82, p. 102, Mar. 2015.
山下祐貴, 清水隆志, 平地康剛, 古神義則, “2層CPW構造を用いた軟性封止樹脂の比誘電率測定法に関する検討,” 信学技報, vol. 114, no. 498, MW2014-216, pp. 81-86, Mar. 2015.
大武祐貴, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “共振器法による比較的損失の大きい誘電体材料の共振特性取得に関する検討,” 電気学会研究会資料, ETT-15-29, ETG-15-29, pp. 84-87, Mar. 2015.
Takashi Shimizu, Shunsuke Kojima, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Accurate Evaluation Technique of Complex Permittivity for Low Permittivity Dielectric Films Using a Cavity Resonator Method in 60 GHz Band,” IEEE Trans. on Microw. Theory and Tech., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 279-286, Jan. 2015.
清水隆志, “マイクロ波・ミリ波応用向け誘電体材料の評価手法 -水平方向の複素誘電率-,” Proceeding of Microwave Workshop and Exhibition 2014 MWE2014, WS13-03, Dec. 2014.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Low loss 30GHz dual mode filter using a coplanar type circular slot resonator,” 2014 Thailand-Japan Microwave, TH4-22, Nov. 2014.
Yuki Yamashita, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Study on relative permittivity evaluation for soft resins using a coated CPW model,” 2014 Thailand-Japan Microwave, TH4-22, Nov. 2014.
Naoki Yamada, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Millimeter wave measurements of complex permittivity for engineering plastics by a cut-off circular waveguide method,” 2014 Thailand-Japan Microwave, TH4-20, Nov. 2014.
Takashi Shimizu, [Invited] “Low Loss 30GHz Dual Mode Filter Using a Coplanar Waveguide Type Circular Slot Resonator,” Vietnam Japan Microwave 2014, Nov. 2014.
Seiya Nikaido, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Study on evaluation techniques of effective conductivity for copper-clad dielectric substrates,” 2014 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, TH3Ga-13, pp.-, Nov. 2014.
Akito Ebata, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Frequency dependence measurement of complex permittivity for C-, A- and R-plane sapphire substrates from 30 to 50GHz band,” 2014 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, TH2C-2, pp.-, Nov. 2014.
Rui Tanaka, Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “A study on a BPF with dual-pass bands using EH11δ mode and HE11δmode dielectric rod resonators,” 2014 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, WE1A-1, pp.-, Nov. 2014.
Takashi Shimizu, “Measurement Techniques of Dielectric Substrates for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Circuits by Resonator Methods,” 2014 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Workshop/Short Course Proceedings, WS002-3, pp.-, Nov. 2014.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Evaluation technique for complex permittivity of mid-loss underfill materials by a cut-off circular waveguide method in millimeter wave bands,” IEICE Transaction on Electronics, vol. E97-C, no. 10, pp. 972-975, Oct. 2014.
田中塁, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “EH<11δ>とHE<11δ>直交2重モードを用いたデュアルバンドフィルタの検討,” 信学技報, vol. 114, no. 111, MW2014-47, pp. 29-34, June 2014.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “High precision measurement method for dielectric film materials by a novel V band cavity resonator,” 2014 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, TH2D-4, Jun. 2014.
山田直輝, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “遮断円筒導波管法によるエンジニアリングプラスチックのミリ波複素誘電率測定,” 信学技報, vol. 114, no. 45, MW2014-33, pp. 55-60, May 2014.
古神義則, 清水隆志, “ミリ波帯における誘電体基板の複素誘電率測定に関する技術動向,” 計測と制御, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 197-202, Mar. 2014.
二階堂誠也, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “銅張り誘電体基板の実効導電率の測定精度に関する検討,” 2014電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-59, p. 88, Mar. 2014.
江幡秋人, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “誘電体平板のミリ波複素誘電率測定の高精度化に関する一検討,” 2014電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-55, p. 85, Mar. 2014.
山田直輝, 加茂宏幸, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “ミリ波帯における結晶性エンジニアリングプラスチックの複素誘電率測定,” 2014電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-54, p. 84, Mar. 2014.
岡本仁成, 清水隆志, 古神義則, CPW構造円形スロット共振器を用いた30GHz帯BPFの設計,” 信学技報, vol. 113, no. 460, MW2013-216, pp. 113-116, Mar. 2014.
Takashi Shimizu, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Mid-loss underfill material measurements by a cut-off circular waveguide method in millimeter wave region,” Proceeding of Thailand-Japan Microwave 2013 TJMW2013, WE4-2, Dec. 2013.
清水隆志, 小又大祐, 古神義則, “薄型誘電体材料に対する遮断円筒導波管法の適用範囲,” 2012電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-58, p. 99, Mar. 2012.
川上哲郎, 高橋亮, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “CPW半波長共振器を用いたMZ型光変調器の特性評価,” 2012電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-59, p. 100, Mar. 2012.
Takashi Shimizu, Yuki Kawahara, Seizo Akasaka, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Complex Permittivity Measurement of Aluminum Nitride by the cut-off circular waveguide method from 40GHz to 100GHz,” Proceeding of the Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2011, pp. 1450-1453, Dec. 2011.
清水隆志, 古神義則, “サファイア円板を用いたNRDガイド励振ミリ波帯域通過フィルタに関する検討,” 信学技報, MW2011-119, pp. 35-40, Nov. 2011.
Takashi Shimizu, Yuki Kawahara, Seizo Akasaka, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Development of a 100GHz Grooved Circular Empty Cavity for Complex Permittivity Measurements in W band,” IEICE Transaction on Electronics, vol. E94-C, no. 10, pp. 1650-1656, Oct. 2011.
Takashi Shimizu, Yuki Kawahara, Seizo Akasaka, and Yoshinori Kogami, “Complex Permittivity Measurements of a PTFE Substrate in W Band by the Cut-off Circular Waveguide Method,” 2011 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conf. Proc. pp. 501-504, Apr. 2011.
Yoshinori Kogami, Takashi Shimizu, and Wataru Watanabe, “Evaluation of millimeter wave anisotropic permittivities of the dielectric laminate substrates using WG resonator method,” 2011 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conf. Proc. pp. 497-500, Apr. 2011.
清水隆志, 古神義則, 平地康剛, “20-100GHz帯におけるAlN平板の複素誘電率の周波数依存性測定,” 2011電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-2-49, p. 87, Mar. 2011.
友部源生, 清水隆志, 古神義則, “NRD回路を用いたミリ波帯域通過フィルタに関する研究,” 平成22年度電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会研究発表会, p. 167, Mar. 2011.
Takashi Shimizu, Seizo Akasaka, Yuki Kawahara, and Yoshinori Kogami, “A 100GHz Grooved Circular Empty Cavity for Low Loss Dielectric Substrate Measurements in W Band,” 2010 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, FR2E-3, pp. 1701-1704, Dec. 2010.
Yoshinori Kogami, Takashi Shimizu, Satoru Osawa, and Naoki Abe, “Evaluation of the Millimeter-Wave Characteristics of Dielectric Substrates by using Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators,” Chaina-Japan Joint Microwave Conferecne CJMW2008, Sept. 2008.
Takashi Shimizu, Tomoyuki Nishino, and Yoshio Kobayashi, “Some discussions of the resonator structure for the cut-off waveguide method and the round robin test,” 33rd European Microwave Conf. Proc., Oct. 2003.
Yoshio Kobayashi, Takashi Shimizu, and Toru Hashimoto, “Microwave and millimeter wave evaluation techniques of low loss dielctric materials and high-temperature superconductors,” 2002 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwaves(CJMW2002), A-2-7, pp. 59-62, Apr. 2002.